Friday, August 8, 2014

Latihan untuk Perut Buncit

Perut membuncit akibat terlalu banyak makan saat libur lebaran? Jangan khawatir, Anda bisa mencoba latihan ini. HIIT (high intensity interval training) ini dapat dilakukan dalam waktu singkat setiap hari, hanya butuh waktu kurang dari 15 menit! Selamat mencoba.

Berikut kalimat pengantar dari videonya: "Overdid it at the Thanksgiving feast or holiday party? Just pigged out at a buffet? Well this KILLER workout will get you back in shape in no time. Cassey Ho, fitness instructor, leads you through a series of 8 moves done for 1 min each. Killer routine that will help you get rid of that food baby!!!"


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